Python 10行くらいでフーリエ級数展開


本日のゴール「ある定められた区間における周期関数\( f(x) \)のフーリエ級数展開の係数計算と近似解の図示」

・高校数学でわかるフーリエ変換―フーリエ級数からラプラス変換まで (ブルーバックス) (link)
・物理のための数学 (物理入門コース 新装版) (link)


$$f(x) \approx a_0 + \sum_{k = 1}^{n} (a_n \cos{\frac{n\pi x}{L}} + b_n \sin{\frac{n\pi x}{L}}) \\ $$

$$ a_0 = \frac{1}{2L} \int_{-L}^{L} f(x) $$

$$ a_n = \frac{1}{L} \int_{-L}^{L} f(x) \cos{\frac{n\pi x}{L}} dx $$

$$ b_n = \frac{1}{L} \int_{-L}^{L} f(x) \sin{\frac{n\pi x}{L}} dx $$


def fourier_expansion(fun,L,n):
    fun:a periodic function
    L:an interval
    n:the number of harmonics
    #tol = 1e-6
    x = np.linspace(-a,a,100)

    a0 = 1/L/2 * integrate.quad(fun,-L,L)[0]
    an = 1/L * np.array([integrate.quad(lambda x:fun(x)*cos(i*x*pi/L),-L,L)[0] for i in np.arange(n)+1])
    bn = 1/L * np.array([integrate.quad(lambda x:fun(x)*sin(i*x*pi/L),-L,L)[0] for i in np.arange(n)+1])
    approx = a0 + np.array([an[i]*cos(pi*j*x/L) + bn[i]*sin(pi*j*x/L) for i,j in enumerate(np.arange(n)+1)]).sum(axis = 0)

    c0 = 1/L/2 * integrate.quad(fun,-a,a)[0]

    cn = np.array([1/(L)*(integrate.quad(lambda x:fun(x)*cos(i*x*pi/L),-L,L)[0] - 1j* \
                            integrate.quad(lambda x:fun(x)*sin(i*x*pi/L),-L,L)[0]) \
                   for i in np.arange(n)+1 ])
    approx = c0 + np.array([cn[i]*np.exp(1j*pi*j*x/L) for i,j in enumerate(np.arange(n)+1) ]).sum(axis = 0)
    return approx,[an,bn]

関数def fourier_expansion(fun, L, n)について

第一引数:フーリエ級数展開したい周期関数\(f(x) \),

第二引数:区間半長 \( L \),

第三引数:高調波次数\( n \), \( n \)次まで展開する。

\( c_n = a_n + jb_n (jは虚数)\)を用いた複素フーリエ級数展開もコメントアウト部分に載せている。


第一返り値:\( f(x) \)の近似解

第二返り値:各係数\( a_n, b_n \) (\( c_n \))



作成した関数をもとに\( f(x) \)とその近似解のグラフをプロットする関数を作業効率化のために作った

def plot_fourier(fun,a,n):
    fun: the vectorized function
    a(float): the interval length
    n(list): the list of the required harmonics number, e.g. [1,5,10].
    x = np.linspace(-a,a,100)
    fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(x,fun(x),label = 'exact')
    approx,cn = np.array([fourier_expansion(fun,a,i) for i in n]).T
    [ax.plot(x,j,'--', label = f'n = {n[i]}') for i,j in enumerate(approx)]
    return fig,ax


1. \[ f(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & (-3 \le x \le 1) \\ 10 & (1 \le x \le 3) \end{cases} \]
f = lambda x:0 if (x >= -3 and x <= 1) else 10 # else 1 if x >= 0 and x < 1  
f = np.vectorize(f)
a = 3
n = [1,5,10]
fig,ax = plot_fourier(f,a,n)
fig.suptitle('f(x) = 0 (x >= -3 and x <= 1) else 10 ', fontsize=16)


2. \[ f(x) = |\sin{x}|(-\pi \le x \le \pi ) \]
f = lambda x:np.abs(sin(x))
f = np.vectorize(f)
a = pi
n = [2,5,10]
fig,ax = plot_fourier(f,a,n)
fig.suptitle(' f(x) = |sin(x)| ', fontsize=16)


3. \[ f(x) = |x| (-2 \le x \le 2 ) \]
f = lambda x:np.abs(x)
f = np.vectorize(f)
a = 2
n = [1,5,10]
fig,ax = plot_fourier(f,a,n)
fig.suptitle('f(x) = |x|', fontsize=16)

ちなみにJupyter notebookで試すと以下のような警告メッセージがでます。でもちゃんと動いたので現場猫的にはヨシ

    VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences
    (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths
     or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 
    'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.



import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin,cos,tan,pi
from scipy import integrate

#a function 
def fourier_expansion(fun,a,n):
    fun:periodic function
    n:number of expansion
    #tol = 1e-6
    x = np.linspace(-a,a,100)
    L = a

    a0 = 1/L/2 * integrate.quad(fun,-a,a)[0]
    an = 1/L * np.array([integrate.quad(lambda x:fun(x)*cos(i*x*pi/L),-L,L)[0] for i in np.arange(n)+1])
    bn = 1/L * np.array([integrate.quad(lambda x:fun(x)*sin(i*x*pi/L),-L,L)[0] for i in np.arange(n)+1])
    approx = a0 + np.array([an[i]*cos(pi*j*x/L) + bn[i]*sin(pi*j*x/L) for i,j in enumerate(np.arange(n)+1)]).sum(axis = 0)

    c0 = 1/L/2 * integrate.quad(fun,-a,a)[0]

    cn = np.array([1/(L)*(integrate.quad(lambda x:fun(x)*cos(i*x*pi/L),-L,L)[0] - 1j* \
                            integrate.quad(lambda x:fun(x)*sin(i*x*pi/L),-L,L)[0]) \
                   for i in np.arange(n)+1 ])
    approx = c0 + np.array([cn[i]*np.exp(1j*pi*j*x/L) for i,j in enumerate(np.arange(n)+1) ]).sum(axis = 0)
    return approx,[an,bn]

def plot_fourier(fun,a,n): #fun is already vectorized n is a list, e.g. [1,5,10].
    x = np.linspace(-a,a,100)
    fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(x,fun(x),label = 'exact')
    approx,cn = np.array([fourier_expansion(fun,a,i) for i in n]).T
    [ax.plot(x,j,'--', label = f'n = {n[i]}') for i,j in enumerate(approx)]
    return fig,ax

f = lambda x:0 if (x >= -5 and x <= 1) else 10 # else 1 if x >= 0 and x < 1  
f = np.vectorize(f)
a = 3
n = [1,5,10]
fig,ax = plot_fourier(f,a,n)
fig.suptitle('f(x) = 0 (x >= -5 and x <= 0) else 10 ', fontsize=16)

f = lambda x:np.abs(sin(x))# else 1 if x >= 0 and x < 1  
f = np.vectorize(f)
a = pi
n = [2,5,10]
fig,ax = plot_fourier(f,a,n)
fig.suptitle(' f(x) = |sin(x)| ', fontsize=16)

f = lambda x:np.abs(x)# else 1 if x >= 0 and x < 1  
f = np.vectorize(f)
a = 2
n = [1,5,10]
fig,ax = plot_fourier(f,a,n)
fig.suptitle('f(x) = |x|', fontsize=16)

